Miami University

Instrumentation Laboratory Project Page

Project: Automated Typewriter

Department: Art

Primary Investigator: Samantha Doan

Purpose: The user states, "I am interested in how subjective and fleeting our memories are. In the video, I am “weeping ink” as a sort of symbolic act of mourning for lost events, words and fading memory. We spend so much time constructing our lives – our memories – only to lose them in time. We also lose the stories of others, even when they are written. I am constantly amazed at how heavily we rely upon the written word to guarantee some sort of truth when in fact it is just as questionable as a spoken story."

IL Comment: Artist brought concept to IL, wanted to get the typewriter to automatically type the word "OMIT" over and over again. Between the IL personnel and the artist, found the needed solenoids and designed and built rest of project on site.

Cost to researcher: $59.38

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